- Publisher: kedros (to be published in a new edition)
- Edition: 2η (1η, 1999)
- ISBN: 9789600415872
Inexplicable events are observed in a small place, just before its exploitation for development. Adriani, spellbound by the mystery of this place, is desperately fighting to preserve it. However, she is not successful. And then, supernaturally, the place begins to resist itself, with its own mysterious forces. The place comes to life, for everyone to see its blood and tears of stone, but its revenge as well.
It is the love story of a woman trapped by mystery and discovering some forces that lead her to different self-knowledge: Her body's initiation. An initiation that passes through the "anarchy" of the land, from the primordial ritual element to life. Strange as it may seem, this novel was born of dreams. The first idea. I believe that most of our truth is immersed in the unknown realms of the soul that bear the mark of cosmogenic memory. That's where my heroine sinks. And embedded in the stone grooves of the Purgatory, she will experience love like the primordial woman, Mother Earth. A body that sprouted like the tears of stone, that became anew, in puberty and prophetic. Because the land, which is dominated by the spirit of the Stone Woman, is alive. His anarchy is the ecological sign of his resistance to destruction. But how far could those who approached him realise it?
The just published new novel by Maria Lampadaridou Pothou The Sixth Seal, despite its size, has already entered the list of best sellers.
(...) The heroine of the novel lives her love like the primeval woman, the Mother of the Earth. On the other hand, it is the place itself which leads people and things, re-creating the legend of the Stone Woman and reacting as a being full of life to the “anarchy”. In a parallel level, more essential and clearly transcendental, evolves the adventure of the place, the magical surrealistic adventure, which functions out of our mind but using us. The Sixth Seal is a prophetic novel for those who have still the ability to feel the undercurrents. For those who experience love as a pre-taste of paradise or the life beyond.
Eleni Gkika, Ethnos of Sunday, 3 October 1999
The earthly magic of the orphic narration by Zoe Samara
The Sixth Seal, review by Nana Esaya
Η Έκτη Σφραγίδα, κριτική – παρουσίαση του Λεωνίδα Βελιαρούτη
Σύνδεσμος με το αυθεντικό, κριτική της Ελένης Γκίκα στην εφ. Εθνος
Εκτη Σφραγίδα, κριτική Νανας Ησαϊα, εφ. Το Βήμα, αυθεντικό
Εκτη Σφραγίδα, κριτική Ελ. Χωρεάνθη, Καθημερινή, αυθεντικό
Έκτη Σφραγίδα, κριτική Γ. Παπαδάτου, Διαβάζω, αυθεντικό
Έκτη Σφραγίδα, κριτική Θ. Μπελίτσου, Διαβάζω, αυθεντικό
‘Εκτη Σφραγίδα, κριτική Λ.Βελιαρούτη, Θέματα Λογοτεχνίας, αυθεντικό
The sixth seal, interview with Eleni Gkika, "The places that we dreamed of"
The sixth seal, interview with Lina Zervopoulou, "The sixth seal and existential fears"
The sixth seal, interview with Fotis Manios, "and the whole moon turned blood red.."
The sixth seal, interview with journalist Nikos Parnassas
Η Έκτη Σφραγίδα, αυθεντικό, συνέντευξη στον θεατρολόγο Γιώργο Χατζηδάκη
Η Έκτη Σφραγίδα, συνέντευξη στην Ελένη Γκίκα, «Αυτές οι διακοπές με ενέπνευσαν»
Author's thoughts
The sixth seal, Writer's workshop, How the novel was born