- Publisher: kedros (to be published in a new edition)
- Edition: 6th (1st, 1982, Philippotis)
- ISBN: 9789600421866
"Letter to my son and a star" consists of twenty Letters, broadcast by NRT-1 Radio and has been a great success. A tender book about the soul of the child, about the soul of the teenager, that nourished thousands of Greek children. Its main focus is on how can a young child be integrated into today's world that is alienated and contradictory. How can the child defend itself against the forces of our time, which often change the values of our culture, into speculation, so that one can find the true meaning of life. With immense sensitivity and insight, the author, raising her own child, talks about this magical age, about the loneliness of innocence, about the fragile relationship with the parent.
Δημοσίευση μαθητών Λυκείου Αρναίας
σύνδεσμος στο αυθεντικό, δημοσιευση αναγνώστριας Βόλου στην εφ. Δημοσιογράφος
Κριτική Σοφίας Σακκά στην Νέα Εστία
Κριτική παρουσίαση Η Λέσχη του Βιβλίου