Το καλοκαίρι του 1994, ο Jacques Lacarrière μετέφρασε την ποιητική συλλογή Μυστικό Πέρασμα, με τη βοήθεια της ίδιας της συγγραφέως και την δημοσίευσε στις εκδόσεις Temp qu’il fait με πρόλογο που έγραψε.
Σχετικά με το βιβλίο
Πρόλογος της ποιητικής συλλογής «Μυστικό Πέρασμα» στη γαλλική έκδοση του βιβλίου.
Μικρη επιστολικη κριτικη για το Μυστικο Περασμα απο τον Jacques Lacarrière
Το Μυστικό Πέρασμα
The Agony of ProphecyLoosed from my flesh
I tread
In my star-studded sleep
And have no fear of the wound
I make it into a passage of light
To pass throughAnd I bend like a flower touched by
The lightning
speaking mirthlesslyMy life falls, broad drops
I am a stuff
And the oracles shine on the ancient stones as
The seven of the abyss bleaches them.*
And I go about star-studded
With eyes dredged in the ancient earth
Where I was Sibyl
Chewing laurel and wild roots
And the Number, enchanted, consumes
My stony face
I go about ethereal like the flow of the Universe
To detach the rock of oracles
To pass through.*
I laid the stars down
And slept
And my sleep falls, broad drops
Upon my days
Echoing passings of the unknown
I have no earth to stand on
My feet sink into the azure
ReversedI lean against the wing of my angel
And listen
Someone is packing my days
To take them with me
Emptied of symbols
A light package
Like the negative of my soul
Revealed in abundant light!My flesh is redolent with fragrant autumn
I seek to decipher time
My visage welling up ever
Like an oracular response that flows to the sacred Three
From fissures unseenI listen one by one to the words I learned
To desymbolize my body
Waft of a deserted garden
And paradise passed by of old
Like music of the Number that I was
A magical code
And I do not own the paths of the Archangel.*
My body smells of burnt time
A landscape whitened by tears
I lay it down carefully — later
I anoint with oil the wounds that float like stars
To transform it into prayer (which defeats the oracle)
To pass through.