small extract
“The epic of the ancient world, but also the enigma of human being. The Ybris, the agony for death, the “sacred as it penetrates the soul”, the gods, all human cycle of understanding in this novel remain unaltered in the time. And in that way the writer manages to give a dimension of the eternal.
Of human being. And she does this in a way deep, almost corporal, a way revelative.
The revival of the closed and severe society of Sparta – conception and philosophy of life – are of the very strong pages of the novel. But the big speciality of the writer is the human soul. The grief of existence and the long trip into the time.
The novel is beginning with the return to Sparta of the blind Aristodemos and finishes with the Nekyia (the Oracle of Dead), throwing in that way bridges between the present time and the time of the souls”.
Written by Eleni Gika, to the newspaper Ethnos, 25 November 2006