I no longer own the matter given me
I turn it into a poem
To pass through
One by one, I loose the bonds
The dream will be the last to be uprooted
The dream the dream torments me -- joints
That groan lost azure in the deepest depthsOne by one, I loose the bonds
Moonlit nights oaths diaries and farewell
I will avenge myself, I say, with lucidity my weapon
I will pass beyond time like the flash of incubated crystal
outside of timeI will pass like the silver of the desert
That outwits the darkness
Holding in my hands the mark:
Odor of birth-bloodThe dream will be uprooted last or I
Some hand will uproot me from the dream
Like a flower trodden by Time
What did I dream? What did I dream?
I will no longer remember.My house is uninhabited only memory
remains among the crumbling walls
I hear its heavy footsteps -- something
Like a cry in the dark
I wear it next to my skin with my first abyss
A flower whitened by my tears
And death laden with paradises
A window forgotten in the night
Illuminating the other lifeI am the burning memory that flows toward the Light
I no longer own the matter given me
I turn it into a poem
To pass through.From the poetry collection "Mystic Passage"
Καινούριο Μυθιστόρημα 2022
Το Σμαραγδένιο Βουνό είναι όλα
όσα δεν τόλμησα, όσα δεν μπόρεσα,
όσα φοβήθηκα. Είναι το Ανεξήγητο
και το Ακατανόητο, όπως το έζησα
ανεβαίνοντας και κατεβαίνοντας
τους αιώνες, να βρω κομμάτια από
τις περασμένες μου ζωές. Σαν να
επιστρέφω στο σπίτι μου ύστερα
από αιώνων οδοιπορία…
Όμως πού είναι το σπίτι μου;