Το θεατρικό έργο “Χάρτινο Φεγγάρι” μεταφρασμένο από τον Μίνωα Πόθο στα αγγλικά, στάλθηκε στο SOHO THEATRE του Λονδίνου και οι κριτικοί του Θεάτρου έστειλαν την κατωτέρω επιστολή:
This five act play is Chekhovian: repressed ideals and family tensions. A cynical, prodigal son (Dimitri) returns – to nurse’s joy, brother’s jealousy, father’s guilt, mother’s unwillingness to face the truth: ‘All these persons around you want you theirs. And they want you as they believed you to be, because they have made their lives dependent on your existence.’ Into these deep layers of relationships and emotional bonding, Dimitri (with faint echoes of Pinter’s The Homecoming) drops his alcoholic, drug-addict partner. ‘You are the evidence of my life,’ says Dimitri : she lures Dimitri’s brother into her seedy world. Again it is poetically written. Again it is about the power of memory'” eg family nostalgia; Dimitri resurrecting his past loves through fantasy: ‘Dream is the noblest illusion of the mind. You live the substance of the things, ignoring the proportion of truth, the proportion of decay’; and resurrects his former idealism by completing an unfinished play – which wins a play competition, the news of which is crassly contrived at the end (…)